What types of loan do Clear And Fair compare?

At Clear And Fair, we compare loans of different types. We compare:

  • short term loans
  • and payday loans

from a variety of loan companies. Some of our lenders offer one of these types of loan and some offer both. Our lenders offer different ranges of loan amount and you can borrow for different lengths of time, so it’s well worth using our straightforward loan comparison site to compare our cheapest loan companies for your circumstances.

Compare loans for free

To compare loans on our website is not only free, but it’s also super quick and easy. You have the option to compare payday loans or compare monthly instalment loans just by clicking on the appropriate tab. You can adjust the slider to show the amount that you want to borrow, from £100 to £1000 and how long you want the money for, in days or months.


A smiling faceWhen you compare loans, we show you a list of all our lenders that offer the loan criteria that you requested, in the order of the cheapest overall cost for you. The simplicity of our service is matched by our guarantee never to show you biased results, so the cheapest lenders will always appear at the top of your search without any hidden catches.

Compare direct lenders


Thumbs upAll the loan companies we compare are direct lenders, meaning if you choose to apply with one of our listed loan providers, your application will be assessed directly by that lender and they will be the one to issue the funds to you if your application is approved. Every loan company featured on our site is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

You can find out more about all of our lenders here!
We have lots of helpful information about each lender, including their transfer times and application criteria, when you click through to their profile page.

No fees, no credit search

You can compare loans with Clear and Fair in just a few clicks and without entering any personal information, so you don’t need to worry that your personal data can be sold on anywhere. These days, when concerns over data security online are often hitting the headlines, it’s comforting to use a service feeling confident that your sensitive information will not be leaked without consent.


A credit fileTo be clear, we do not make any actual loan applications for you, so if you compare loans with us, the search is not going to appear on your credit file. Having too many searches on your credit file can affect your credit score, so if you are just at the stage of wanting to compare prices of short term loans, it’s a good idea to use a loan comparison website like Clear and Fair before jumping in to making any applications that will show on your credit report.

Try reading our helpful blog if you want to know more about credit checks.

Compare cheapest loans

We know that when you compare loans, the total repayment amount is a crucial factor in your borrowing decision. Often small differences in the other aspects of the service won’t make a huge difference to your overall impression of whether you’ve got a good deal out of your loan.


An arrow going from inside to outside the box to illustrate transfer of fundsHowever, there will be differences in the other aspects of the service offered by the list of lenders we compare. You may wish to check their loan transfer times if you are borrowing late at night for example, or you may wish to check their application criteria if you are on a very low monthly income. Once you compare loans with us and can see our cheapest payday lenders, we will redirect you to a lender’s website just by clicking on their link, so you can also take a quick look through the lender’s own site before starting a loan application.

Read more about Instant Loans with automated approval methods and quick transfer times here.

Compare payday loans

If you are specifically looking to compare loans over a very short time, then you are in the right place! Payday loans have a single repayment date, so you settle your loan in one go on your next payday. However, the multi-month and short term instalment loan products that we compare are a helpful alternative for many customers. With a short term loan, you spread your repayment across multiple repayment dates. This may increase the overall cost of your loan, but it means that each individual payment is smaller and might be more affordable to fit into a tighter budget.


It’s easy to compare loans with Clear and Fair today and see just how much flexibility in terms of loan amount, duration and repayment options is offered across our range of lenders. We hope you find an affordable loan that will suit your particular circumstances.